8 Healing Crystals for DIABETES

 Eight Crystals and Stones for diabetes : 

These crystals can be used in the form of rough stone, tumbled stone or in the form of jewelery. 


https://amzn.to/3iUYvRP  Buy Citrine


 https://amzn.to/2Yrra7M   Best Serpentine

Pink Opal 

https://amzn.to/2Yq2xs8  look for Pink opal


https://amzn.to/3iTW3eo   select chrysocolla stone


https://amzn.to/39tj98v   search for emerald in amazon

Red Jasper,

   https://amzn.to/3pHSqLj   Go to red jasper store


https://amzn.to/3puiqcF     Grab Malachite from amazon 


https://amzn.to/3oCTyOZ  Choose sodalite from amazon

Diabetes is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra. One can carry continuously or work with the preferred crystal on the Solar Plexus for 15 minutes a few times a week.

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