Healing Crystals and Stones for Heart desease.

  • Crystals and stones for Heart desease
    Green and pink stones are suitable for supporting the heart  functions and will assist in recovery. 
     Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline and Mangano Calcite ,Chrysoprase,Emerald, Green Aventurine, Green Obsidian and Peridot 
  • Amazonite, Amber, and Aqua Aura can also help to strengthen the heart.
  • buy crystsls and stones from amazon
  • Hematite help with inflammation and blood flow.
  •  Amethyst is one of the strongest healers in the mineral kingdom. This crystal is believed to help remove all types of blockages. 

    Another stone for the heart is Rhodochrosite, which is believed to clear blockages at the heart, as well as improving circulation and blood pressure.  Rhodochrosite is often placed or worn over the heart to help with heart disease.buy rhodochrosite

    Rhodonite also benefits the heart, since it works very well with heart chakra.  It is specifically used to help clear the heart of blockages and provide stimulation. 

    buy rhodonite from amazon

Keep the stone in your pocket or in your bag or can be used as ring/pendant.The healing properties of the crystals in the post are for reference and inspiration and they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified physicians  or therapists


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